So I thought I would do a couple of product reviews on 2 products that are really helping me get through my Roaccutane treatment. Even 3 weeks in.
My first week I was using Nivea Daily Essential for dry skin, but it just wasn't working for me at all. I had really dry skin around my nose and mouth. So on day 13 I went back to boots and picked up a couple of No.7 moisturisers.
The first one being the Beautiful Skin- Dry Skin Rescue. £12 for 50ml
The moisturiser is a very thick consistency and a little goes a long way, it gets absorbed pretty quickly and I am able to put my make-up on pretty much straight away. It is hypo-allergenic so no chance of having an allergic reaction. I started using it 14 days into my treatment, as my skin was so dry and peeling around my nose, mouth, chin and between my eyebrows. I put it on in the morning and before I went to my bed. Within 3-4 days of using it daily I really noticed a difference. Apart from a small bit of peeling round my nose my skin looked visibly healthier. It also felt better as when my skin is dry and peeling it feels really tight and halfway through the day it would get painful when I was using my regular moisturiser. I read a few reviews on the boots website and all of them were positive. Someone did mention that it was very difficult to get the last wee bit out of the tube and it dries out after a few days if you cut the top off the tube. I think what I would do is get one of the wee tub that you get for putting your cosmetics in and cut off the top the tube and scrape the last bit out and put it in the wee tubs so it doesn't dry out.
Overall I am very pleased with this moisturiser and will continue to use it throughout my treatment.
Added 10/4/14 I have just put my moisturiser on and i noticed that at the top of the tube on both sides there is cracks i guess from having to squeeze the tube so hard to get any out. So i have just cut the top off and used a knife to scrape it all out and put it into a small cosmetics bottle so it doesn't dry out. You would think they would put it in an air lock tube like the hydrating mask so you could use all the product with out wasting any. It still does wonders for my skin just in an anoying container!
Along with the Dry Skin Rescue I have been using
Beautiful Skin Hydrating Mask for dry/very dry skin £12.50 for 100ml

The first thing I noticed about this product is the layers of colour, it looks so cool! It said to massage it onto your face and leave it on for 3 mins or 10 mins if your skin is really dry. Then just wipe it off with cotton wool. 1 pump is enough to cover my whole face and it feels like an oily moisturiser, but it doesn't feel horrible at all. The 1st time I put it on I was reading my book and really got into it. I forgot I had the face mask on if I am totally honest and did go to sleep with it on as it did just feel like I had a really thick moisturiser on. I am using it 2-3 times a week and along with the Beautiful Skin Rescue my dry skin is really under control.
These two products are really helping me through my treatment I will definitely continue to use them throughout my treatment. I don't know what my skin will be like after my treatment but I may also use them after too.